Who We Are
About Seattle Dog Boarding
Seattle Dog Boarding has been serving dog owners in Seattle for over 8 years. We understand that dogs are more than just pets. Your dog is a furry member of your family. If you’re a busy individual, you don’t want to leave your puppy or dog all alone. That’s why we offer a doggy daycare where your puppy/dog can run around with other puppies/dogs while being taken care of by our certified staff. After all, dogs are social creatures and need an outlet for all their energy.
We offer the following services: doggy daycare, dog boarding service, dog grooming, dog walking service, dog training, and in-home services. When you bring your puppy or dog to Seattle Dog Boarding, you can rest assured that they are in excellent hands. We are very passionate for dogs and for customer service. If you’d like to enroll your furry friend into our doggy daycare, go ahead and reach out to us!
We offer the following services: doggy daycare, dog boarding service, dog grooming, dog walking service, dog training, and in-home services. When you bring your puppy or dog to Seattle Dog Boarding, you can rest assured that they are in excellent hands. We are very passionate for dogs and for customer service. If you’d like to enroll your furry friend into our doggy daycare, go ahead and reach out to us!

Questions & Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my dog require any shots in order to be boarded and to take part in daycare?
Yes! As a multi-dog facility, core vaccines are required to participate in any of our services. These include:
- Rabies
- Distemper/Parvo
- Canine Influenza - recommended
- Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
- Titer counts may be submitted in lieu of vaccination for Bordetella and DHPP but must be updated every 6 months.
- Per King County ordinance, there is no titers exception for routine Rabies vaccination.
- Do you require a poop test? Yes, all new customers must have a clean fecal parasite test on record within 90 days of their first stay with us. This test will also need to be updated annually.
Is doggy daycare good for a dog?
Yes - doggy daycare is good for the majority of dogs. It can help improve your dog’s quality of life in several different ways including:
There might be some cases where doggy daycare may not be the best idea such as if your dog is very reactive (which is common among dogs rescued from abusive owners). If your dog struggles with aggression or any other issues, let us know and we can discuss different options.
- Plenty of mental stimulation and exercise
- An outlet for excessive energy and remaining active
- Reduced levels of separation anxiety
- An opportunity to socialize with other dogs of a similar size and temperament
There might be some cases where doggy daycare may not be the best idea such as if your dog is very reactive (which is common among dogs rescued from abusive owners). If your dog struggles with aggression or any other issues, let us know and we can discuss different options.
Are dogs separated by size in your doggy daycare?
Yes - we have a large playgroup for dogs 30 pounds and over while we have a small playgroup for dogs 29 pounds and under.
What is a doggy daycare evaluation?
This refers to the process of introducing your dog to the other dogs within the daycare one at a time to see how well they adjust. During this time, your dog’s temperament and compatibility with the group of dogs will be assessed. Most evaluations last at least three hours to give your dog ample time to adjust to the staff and new environment.
How can I know if my dog likes doggy daycare?
When you pick up your dog from doggy daycare, they will return home happy, tired, and ready to come back. In most cases after the second visit, your dog will pull you to the door, have their tail wagging, and be excited to see the staff and play with their friends.
A Notice to all customers of Seattle Dog Boarding
November 17th, 2023
We take our responsibility as a trusted care provider for your dogs very seriously here at Seattle Dog Boarding. Recently it has come to our attention that there is a new, contagious, and potentially life threatening respiratory condition affecting dogs on the west coast, and there have been reports of cases in Washington State. The cause of the condition is thus far unknown, and treatment for it is not yet available. The state of Oregon has recommended that dogs not be in situations where they'll be around other dogs until more can be learned about the nature of this condition. That decision has not yet been made in Washington, but we would like to get out ahead of the issue and inform anyone who has used or will use our services.
So far there are no cases of this illness among any of the dogs that attend our boarding/daycare program.
What we want to do to be proactive in this situation is give all our customers a few notices:
- We reaffirm that all dogs here must have up to date vaccine records
- If your dog is continuously coughing or showing any symptoms of the illness, we recommend postponing the visit and immediately seeing a vet.
- If we notice anything indicating symptoms of illness in any dogs here from this day forward, we will immediately quarantine them, contact the owners, and have the dog transported to its veterinarian. We'll also notify the owners of all our other dogs of the incident.
- We will be thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting every surface and item in all of | our facilities with the Wysiwash Jacketed Caplets (active ingredient: Calcium Hypochlorite and KennelSol Germicidal Detergent & Deodorant disinfectant to minimize the risk of transmission to the greatest possible extent, as recommended by the King County Environmental Health Services Division.
- If you decide not to use our services until more is known, we completely understand. Keep your reservation if you've made one, and any dates you've reserved can be transferred to any future date in the form of boarding credit.
- We will continue to offer our services going forward, but we just wanted everyone to know upfront that this is going on.
We wanted to ensure that everyone is informed so that they can make the best possible decision regarding the care of their pets. We appreciate every single doggy parent who trusts us with the care of their pets and want to ensure that we can all move forward together!

Come see what we're all about.
Contact us to schedule a guided tour of our facility.